Flow Curve and Typical Values of Strength Coefficient K and Strain Hardening Exponent n for Selected Materials |

The above equation is called the flow equation, and it captures to a good approximation the behavior of metals in the plastic region, including their capacity for strain hardening.
Material |
Strength coefficient, K |
Strain hardening exponent, n |
lb/in2 |
MPa |
Aluminum, pure, annealed |
25,000 |
175 |
0.20 |
Aluminum alloy, annealeda |
35,000 |
240 |
0.15 |
Aluminum alloy, hardened by heat treatmenta |
60,000 |
400 |
0.10 |
Copper, pure, annealed |
45,000 |
300 |
0.50 |
Copper: brassa |
100,000 |
700 |
0.35 |
Steel, loww C, annealeda |
75,000 |
500 |
0.25 |
Steel, high C, annealeda |
125,000 |
850 |
0.15 |
Steel, alloy, annealeda |
100,000 |
700 |
0.15 |
Steel, stainless, austenitic, annealeda |
175,000 |
1200 |
0.40 |
aValues of K and n vary according to composition, heat treatment, and work hardening.